The Cal Ripken Tournament Director
Jeff Janicki
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 508-726-8340
State Commissioner of the Eastern Massachusetts Cal Ripken League
Mike Janicki
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 508-726-8428
Tournament Chairperson
Tim Majer
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 774-501-8499
We kindly ask all teams to stay at our host hotel. Please be sure to mention you are part of the Cal Ripken New England Regional Tournament when booking rooms. We have secured a discounted rate for our visiting teams:
Courtyard Marriott Raynham
37 Paramount Drive Raynham, MA 02767
Ph: 508-822-8383
Room rate: $159 + tax / night.
687 Pleasant St
Raynham, MA 02767
Directions from Marriott Courtyard:
Left onto RT 44 East and proceed for .2 miles
Right onto Orchard St and proceed for 1.5 miles
Right onto Pleasant St and proceed for 1.3 miles
Complex is on your right
Games will be played on Field 4 and warmups on Field 7. Batting cages are located within the complex . Usage is assigned based upon game schedule.

Please send the following items electronically to our Tournament Chairperson, Tim Majer, at [email protected] no later than July 9, 2021. Please put “12-Year-Old Regional Info” in the subject line of your email.
1.Team Name
2.Manager’s name, email address, and cell phone number
3.Assistant coaches’ names, email addresses, and cell phone numbers
4.Team Roster & Photo - One 5” x 7” or 8” x 10” team photograph with player identification of all players and coaches, the file should be a jpeg. The photo will be included in the Official Program.
5.Team roster, including uniform numbers in electronic form. The phonetic pronunciation of each coach and each player’s name (i.e. Dundee: done-dee).
6.Skill Participants - Opening ceremonies will include 4 individual skill competitions and 3 team skills competitions (see enclosed for event details and rules). Players can participate in only one individual event and must participate in at least one team event.
7.When you expect to arrive in Raynham and where you will be staying.
NOTE: These items do not take the place of the information that will need to be included with your official tournament documents that will be part of your tournament binder.
OPENING DAY SCHEDULE (Friday July 16, 2021)
By 1:00 pm Teams Report to RYBSA Complex (687 Pleasant St, Raynham, MA 02767)
1:00 – 2:00 Player Welcome Lunch
Lunch provided to players and coaches
Lunch available to purchase for families & guests
1:30 – 2:00 Mandatory Managers Meeting (above snack stand)
2:00 – 2:30 Opening Ceremonies
2:45 – 4:30 Skills Competition and Trophy Presentations
The following is a brief outline of the procedures and material we will cover at the mandatory managers meeting with the Tournament Director at 1:30 pm on Friday, July 16th.
At the meeting, each team shall surrender to the Tournament Director a set of documents consisting of:
1. Proof of Accident & Liability Insurance Letter of Eligibility (properly signed off)
2. Official Tournament Roster
3. Letter of Eligibility (properly signed off)
4. Consent for Treatment forms
5. Team Photograph (this is in ADDITION TO the photo which must be submitted electronically to the Host as soon as you have won
your State Tournament)
6. Coaches Certification Forms (Coaches Education & Abuse Prevention Training for ALL Coaches)
These documents will be returned when your team has completed its run in the tournament.
Each team must bring their state flag (3’x5’) and present it at check-in so that we can recognize each state represented in our tournament.