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Raynham Youth Baseball & Softball Association



The T-Ball Division is an introductory league comprised of 3.9 - 5 year old's.  The intent of the league is to introduce baseball in a fun, positive and non-competitive environment.  No score is kept and coaches stress fundamentals, teamwork, sportsmanship and having fun on the field.  The league utilizes a batting tee so as to ensure that all players are able to make contact.  During each inning every player on the team bats regardless of the number of outs during the inning.  There are no balls or strikes.  Coaches are on the field during play.  Teams practice on Saturdays before the season kicks off and play one game during the week once the season starts.   All games are played on Field 1 next to the basketball court.   Games last one hour.   Players receive a hat and jersey.  Equipment required is a batting helmet with face cage, bat and glove.


The RYBSA Farm Baseball League will continue the fun and positive environment from t-ball while introducing players to the next level of learning the game of baseball. Emphasis will be placed on development of the fundamentals of fielding, throwing and batting while players are taught the skills, positions and rules to the game.
Coaches will pitch to all batters and every player will bat each inning. No outs are recorded as coaches instruct players in the basics of hitting, base running and fielding. Players are rotated through all positions to ensure all players are always learning and engaged in the game. To ensure that this league is instructional and fun, no scores or standings are kept.
As the season progresses, the league director, with the input and support of the coaches may determine the players are ready to implement more game rules to advance the players learning and understanding of the game.
Each player receives a hat and team jersey.

Lower-Minors (National League)

As a progression from Farm League (coach pitch) to American League (full kid pitch), The National League introduces the kids to peer pitching along with manual machine pitching. Kids pitch from 40 or 43 feet depending on their capability. This league is for mainly 7 and 8 year old's. National League games tend to be at least four innings with a manual pitching machine in use during the first two innings with kids pitching the last 2-3 innings. The National League is RYBSA's last instructional league and also serves as an introduction to competitive baseball with umpires, playoffs and teams formed by draft selection. A typical season includes preseason practices, a 10 game playing season and playoffs.  Hat, jersey and pants are provided to each registered player.

Upper-Minors (American League)

Upper-Minors shifts the focus to a more competitive game of baseball than prior levels, although teaching the player development is still a major focus. Scores and standings are kept. Players pitch the entire game which is a maximum of six innings although time restrictions may result in fewer than six innings being played. Pitching is from 46 feet. Stealing is allowed once the ball is pitched and then reaches the plate. Balls thrown back to the pitcher as well as attempts to throw out base runners are live balls. A continuous batting order is still employed. All players will play at least two infield innings in every game. This league is primarily for children who will be 9 and 10 by May 1 of that year. Teams are selected via a draft and typically play roughly fourteen games plus playoffs. At this level, all teams make the playoffs and are seeded based on their regular season finish.  Hat, jersey and pants are provided to each registered player.


The Majors baseball division is the most competitive in RYBSA baseball, consisting of players ages 11-12, and potentially select 10’s based on draft eligibility and needs. Teams are selected via a pre-season Head Coaches draft. The draft structure helps to facilitate balanced teams and competition. Majors games are played under the 50/70 Cal Ripken format, meaning a 50 ft. pitching distance and 70 ft. base paths. Conventional 50/70 rules apply, including leading and stealing, infield fly rule, balks, dropped 3rd strike, etc. Pitch count limitations are used and enforced throughout the season. All teams use a continuous batting order. There are typically 16 games during the regular season and a playoff format that ends in a Division Championship game/series and a Majors Champion.   Hat, jersey and pants are provided to each registered player.

Babe Ruth

The Babe Ruth division is for players between the ages of 13 and 16 years old. Babe Ruth teams play on the Big Diamond: 60ft. 6in. pitching distance and 90ft. bases. As of 2024, Raynham Babe Ruth teams play in the multi-town Bridgewater Senior League. The Bridgewater Senior league is a competitive league made up of teams from Bridgewater, Middleboro, Brockton, and Raynham. Teams will travel to away games in participating towns.  Hat, jersey and pants are provided to each registered player.

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